parade rules & resources
The parade is LIMITED TO 50 MOTOR VEHICLE ENTRIES on a "first-come, first-serve" basis. Float passes must be displayed on the dashboard of the pull vehicle before entering the line-up. Numbers on passes do not represent line-up order. Only floats with their pull vehicles attached will be allowed in the parade staging area. Do not expect to park the float and then come back later in the day with the pull vehicle. Load all items onto the float before checking in as vehicles are not allowed in the line-up area.
You must be 21 or older to register for the parade.
It is your responsibility to help maintain safety. Each entry is legally responsible for any accident associated with the aforementioned entry.
All parade participants must be decently attired. Sexually indecent dress or offensive behavior will not be allowed. (Please remember there are children watching and this is a benefit for sick kids.)
Amplified music cannot be played after the parade returns to the line-up area.
One person per float entry should be designated as a spokesman and contact person for the entry. They must be 21 years of age or older.
Horse participants must have a "bag" for sanitation and owners must show proof of Coggins license.
Commercial or retail establishments are forbidden from promoting/displaying/distributing their product inside the line-up area or parade/festival site unless they are a corporate sponsor of the parade, a paid parade participant or have a vendor license. Further, they are not allowed to distribute/post or display promotional materials on floats or entries other than those sponsored by their company.
Floats registered as Individual cannot promote a commercial product or company. Floats paying entry fees for businesses are welcome to promote their company.
Motorcycles and ATVs (four-wheelers) are not allowed to ride in the parade.
In an effort to keep the parade flowing, there will be a 2-minute limit in front of the judge's stand.
All floats shall have two (2) fire extinguishers - one each on float and pull vehicle.
Children under 12 years of age shall be seated and secured at all times.
Floats exceeding 3 feet from grade level must have a ladder.
No open flames or cooking on the floats.
Political candidates and government officials are welcome to leave their vehicles and greet people as long as it doesn’t impede the parade. Please relinquish right-of-way and allow all floats to pass.
All floats and vehicles will be inspected by the Jackson Fire or Police Department prior to the parade. Any float or person not in compliance will be suspended from the parade and forfeit the entry fee.
Each float shall have an appropriately designed and placed safety chain between it and the pull vehicle.
Gooseneck trailer floats cannot exceed 35 feet in length. Standard hitch trailers cannot exceed 25 feet in length. The maximum width for any trailer is 12 feet. The number of people per trailer will be limited to one person per 10 square feet of trailer space; for example a trailer 28 feet long and 12 feet wide, 28 x 12 = 336 square feet divided by 10 = 33 people. *Height restriction is 14 feet.
All wheeled trailers and floats must be skirted completely (including the area around tires) to within 6 inches off the ground using 1/4"-1/2" plywood to prevent people from getting beneath vehicles. Construction of skirting must be done before line-up. All trailers must have a safety railing 36 inches high from the base of the trailer using wood, metal or a substantial substitute.
If you use a pick-up truck as a float, you must have a safety railing on both sides and across the tailgate 4 feet high from the floor of the truck bed using wood, metal or a substantial substitute.
No person shall be allowed to get on and off a float after the parade begins. If there is an emergency, ask a JPD officer along the route for assistance.
A pull vehicle may be a car, pick-up truck, semi-truck cab or tractor that is suitable in size and weight to pull the trailer. No 18-wheel tractor/trailer rigs are allowed. No exceptions. Farm tractors are encouraged as pull vehicles.
All pull vehicles shall be occupied by 1 driver and 1 spotter. No other persons will be allowed to be in or on any pull vehicle. No one may ride in the bed of a towing vehicle. It is the spotter's responsibility to observe the riders on the float and the walkers for any sign of a problem and notify the driver to stop immediately.
All pull vehicles and trailers must be operated by a licensed driver and have current license plates.
All laws that apply toward operating a motor vehicle will be enforced during the parade by the JPD. While operating a vehicle, drivers may be detained by the JPD for violations of the law such as drinking and driving, driving recklessly, etc.
Pull vehicles are inspected ... horns, blinkers, brakes, etc. must be in good working order.
Absolutely NO trinkets can be thrown from the driver's side of the pull vehicle or tossed or handed out to the front or rear of the float.
Discarding of debris, trash and packaging shall be prohibited along the parade route.
Absolutely no candy, playing cards, paper products, silly string or condoms may be thrown. If you are seen throwing condoms, you will be removed from the parade and not allowed to participate in the future.
All throws should be tossed out and away from floats to discourage children from running into the streets.
Buckethead judges are keenly aware of the "homemade" and spontaneous character of Hal's St. Paddy's Parade and especially appreciate participants whose presentation embodies this tradition.
Creativity - degree and quality of originality, imagination and inventiveness, either treating the theme or not, of participant's idea or concept
Execution - degree to which idea or concept is effectively realized, through construction, presentation or performance
Style - degree and quality of wit, distinction and flair present in the participants' expression and performance
Exuberance - degree and quality of enthusiasm and effort, in the participant's capturing the spirit of the day
Note: Those throwing slop at the judges may be banned from future parades. Nice gifts, however, are welcome.